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Buy a Speshul Edeeshon whenever you want. Literally, you could buy one right now! Do it! DO IT! Marketing, lol.
This is the most ambitious Speshul Edeeshon yet; it's an outrageous mish-mash of anticapitalist rants, printed on a salmon-pink tabliod. It includes: versatile recipes; analyses of TV show title sequences; an explanation as to why most stock images are very bad; and, a lesbian ghost story. There's something for EVERYONE. Buy this for you and your best friend NOW!
Salmon tabloid, 64 pages
If you're anything like me (e.g. vibe architect), you probably spent a lot of time listening to Nirvana when you were younger. Kurt Cobain's lyrics are a fiendish cryptic angst puzzle -- to the unenlightened among us anyway. Read this book and finally accept that it's really not that complicated.
A5 Hard back book
This is a messy illustrated foray into the diary of a person who's trapped alone on a distant planet, with little or no contact from Home Base. What the hell are they even doing out there? You can find out VERY EASILY...
Tabloid newspaper